Compute proportion of years SSB is below a threshold level across projection period
Compute average proportion of years where SSB is below 0.4*SSB0 (median and CIs) across all years and simulation seeds, for each combination of operating models and management procedures.
- model_runs
list of completed MSE simulations runs
- extra_columns
data.frame specifying names for OM and HCR to attach to each model_run (see `bind_mse_outputs` for more details)
- hcr_filter
vector of HCR names to calculate metric over
- om_filter
vector of OM names to calculate metric over
- interval_widths
confidence intevrals to compute
- time_horizon
periof of years over which to calculate metric
- extra_filter
an additional set of filters to apply before computing medians and confidence intervals
- relative
a management procedure to compute metric relative to
- summarise_by
vector of columns to summarise metric by
- summary_out
whether to output data summarised by `ggdist` or full data