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MSEs output large amounts of data – numbers-at-age across years, landed catch by year, fishing mortality by year, recommended harvest levels by year, etc. – and this data output quickly grows as the number of operating models (OMs), management procedures (MPs), and simulations grows. SablefishMSE provides several wrapper functions to facilitate easier processing of large MSE outputs and computation of common derived quantities (spawning biomass, total biomass, total catch, etc.)

MSE Output Data

All three of the MSE functions (run_mse, run_mse_parallel, and run_mse_multiple) output the same types of data in a similar format.

  • run_mse - data is output as a named list of multidimensional arrays of maximum dimension [n_proj_years+n_spinup_years, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets].
  • run_mse_parallel - data is output as a named list of multidimensional arrays the same as run_mse but with an added dimension referring to the simulation
  • run_mse_multiple - data is output at a list of completed MSE simulations from run_mse_parallel, with each list element referring to one combination of OM, MP, and MSE option.
Description of Output Data

The following data is output with every call to run_mse and is consequently available with calls to run_mse_parallel and run_mse_multiple:

  • land_caa - landed catch-at-age from the OM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets])
  • disc_caa - discarded catch-at-age from the OM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets])
  • caa - total catch-at-age (landed + discarded) from the OM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets])
  • faa - fishing mortality -at-age from the OM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets])
  • faa_est - fishing mortality -at-age estimated from the EM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets])
  • naa - numbers-at-age from the OM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions])
  • naa_est - numbers-at-age estimated from the EM ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions])
  • hcr_f - the fishing mortality recommended by the HCR ([nyears, 1])
  • abc - the Acceptable Biological Catch resulting from applying the HCR ([nyears, 1])
  • tac - the Total Allowable Catch resulting from applying the HCR and subsequent stability constraint or harvest caps ([nyears, 1])
  • exp_land - the expected landings after accounting for partial attainment of the TAC ([nyears, 1])
  • global_rec_devs - recruitment deviates from the OM ([nyears, 1])

Additionally, if diagnostics=TRUE for run_mse_parallel or run_mse_multiple, the following outputs are also available:

  • survey_obs - observation data generated by the OM
  • model_outs - completed TMB model objects

The functions discussed below were not developed with the intent to be used on the survey_obs or model_outs output data types.

Reading MSE Output from a File

If run_mse_multiple is used, users can optionally specify save=TRUE to save MSE outputs to a file. These outputs can be read back into R using the provided get_saved_model_runs function:

model_runs <- get_saved_model_runs()


Because users will frequently deal with data of up to 8 dimensions ([nyears, nages, nsexes, nregions, nfleets, nsims, nMPs, nOMs]), spread across multiple list objects, a helper function has been provided to facilitate collating specific data outputs across all available MSE models: bind_mse_outputs.

The bind_mse_outputs function takes a list of a completed MSE model runs (e.g. the output from a finished call to run_mse_multiple), a vector of outputs to collect (e.g. naa, faa, etc.), and a data.frame specifying additional data to append to the output. The function will collate the specified outputs from across the completed model runs into a long format data.frame, with additional columns added to specify the MP and OM the data is from.

        om=c("OM1", "OM2"), 
        hcr=c("MP1", "MP2")

The extra_columns parameter allows users to specify what OM and MP (or HCR) each model run corresponds too. We recommended using expand.grid to do this, as it mimics how the factorial grid is created in run_mse_multiple, and ensures that the data is correctly associated with the OM and MP combination that generated it. Generally, the expand.grid call should also be ordered as: om, hcr, and options.

Existing MSE Processing Functions

Several processing functions are available through the SablefishMSE package allowing for easy computation of common fisheries quantities. All functions generally accept the same parameters, and return a long format tibble.

  • get_ssb_biomass - calculates spawning biomass (SSB) and total biomass for every year across all model runs and simulations.
  • get_fishing_mortalities - calculates fleet-specific and total fishing mortality for every year across all model runs and simulations. Total fishing mortality is assumed to be the maximum age-specific fishing mortality aggregated across fleets.
  • get_recruits - calculates recruitment for every year across all model runs and simulations. This function does not handle recruitment deviates.
  • get_landed_catch - calculates fleet-specific and total landed catch for every year across all model runs and simulations.
  • get_management_quantities - aggregates ABC, TAC, and expected landings data for every year across all model runs and simulations. Historical ABC, TAC, and realized landings are hard coded into the function.
  • get_reference_points - calculates median Fref, Bref, Fmax and B0 reference points across the simulation period across all models runs and simulations.
  • get_*_phaseplane_data - aggregates SSB and either realized fishing mortality (get_phaseplane_data), HCR recommended fishing mortality (get_hcrphase_data), or landed catch (get_phaseplane_catch_data) for all years across all model runs and simulations.

Performance Metrics

Many functions are available for calculating common and sablefish-specific performance metrics from MSE output data. All functions calculate their performance metric across the projection period only, and across all model runs.

  • average_catch - average annual catch
  • total_catch - total catch (sum of catch over all years)
  • prop_years_catch - proportion of projection years in which catch exceeded some threshold value
  • average_ssb - average annual spawning biomass
  • prop_low_biomass - proportion of projection years in which SSB was <0.4SSB1960<0.4\text{SSB}_{1960}
  • average_age - average age of an individual in the population
  • average_abi - average ABI of the population (Griffiths et al. 2023)
  • average_proportion_catch_large - average annual proportion of the landed catch >9yo
  • average_proportion_biomass_old - average annual proportion of the biomass >21yo
  • annual_value - average annual value of the catch assuming a fixed relative price per age class
  • dynamic_annual_value - average annual value of the catch assuming prices fluctuate with landed catch volume
  • biomass_crash_time - average time required for the SSB to decline to <0.20SSB1960<0.20\text{SSB}_{1960}. This metric is only calculated over the first 20 years of the projection period.
  • biomass_recovery_time - average time required for the SSB to recover to >0.40SSB1960>0.40\text{SSB}_{1960}. This metric is calculated starting year 21 of the projection period.

For additional information on any of these functions, see their function documentation.

performance_metric_summary Function

A summary function is available to compute multiple performance metrics and concatenate them into a single summary data.frame object: performance_metric_summary.

    hcr_filter=c("MP1", "MP2"),
    om_filter=c("OM1", "OM2"),
    interval_widths=c(0.50, 0.95), 
    # List of metrics to calculate
    metric_list = c("avg_catch", "avg_variation", "avg_ssb", "avg_age", "prop_years_lowssb")

The metric_list parameter controls which performance metrics to calculate and return in the output data.frame. Refer to the function documentation for a list of valid values to provide in metric_list.